All the children and young people are provided with the food they need so they can concentrate on their studies. Typically this will include maize flour, rice and beans. At Easter and Christmas the children will also receive meat to celebrate.
the children receive several sets of new clothes each year. This can include traditional dress as well as the more modern fashions. The arrival of new clothes always generates a lot of excitement!
The children and young people are supplied with a mattress, bed sheets and blankets. Without these they would be very uncomfortable and very cold at night.
You can't go to school unless you have the right uniform, shoes and equipment. We supply the children with all their school needs.
Most of the children and young people live with grandparents or other relatives. However, when they go to secondary school or college away from their home village, we rent rooms for them to stay. These are often much better than their homes in the villages.
Each year we try to arrange a time when all the children can come together and enjoy friendship and fun. We have held holiday camps, safaris or just staying in a large guest house. These experiences help to build strong relationships between the children and the team.
With no parents, all our young people need someone they trust to confide in and ask questions. Our partners in Tanzania, spend a lot of time visiting the children and young people to encourage and guide them.
All the children and young people are presented with a bible in their own language (Kswahili) when they are able to read well. It is often the only book they own and they are overjoyed to receive it. The young people enjoy attending church, singing Christian songs and reading their bibles.
When we first met the children and young people, many had never travelled outside their villages. Now, as they attend colleges in other towns, they need to travel much further. We supply the funds to ensure they are able to travel to where they need to be. Coaches and piki-pikis (motorbikes) are the main methods of travel. Journeying on Tanzanian roads is not for the faint hearted!
During their training period we make sure that the young people are equipped with the right tools to practise their trade. For example, we have purchased several sewing machines, carpentry tools and much more for our young people.
All the orphans need someone to speak up for them, whether it is to get a place on the right course or to get the appropriate inheritance when a member of the family dies. Our partners in Tanzania spend much of their time speaking up for our young people.
All children and young people need medical care at some point and our orphans are no different. Health care is not free in Tanzania, but we make sure they have access to all appropriate services. This includes glasses for several young people, as well as medicines and hospital care when needed.
When the young people go to college and university, they are given a small allowance of money each month for extras. This helps them learn how to budget.
When the young people go to college and university, computer skills and access to a computer are essential. We fund the young people to attend computer skills training and provide them with a refurbished laptop.
We provide the children and young people with the essentials for personal hygiene such as, soap, toothpaste, washing powder, vaseline etc.
All college and university courses are taught in English. Many of our young people struggle with the English language, so for these, we provide additional tuition, This allows them to perform much better at their studies.