Hope Clinic

Hope Clinic

What is Hope Clinic?

Hope Clinic will be a medical laboritory and clinic close to the centre of Kibakwe. The building will be located on a key road linking several of the local villages. This is a central location for our work with orphans and is just a short walk from Hope House. Hope Clinic will be equiped with the necessary diagnostic testing equipment to detect the major diseases of concern: tuberculosis, liver disease, renal disease, cardiac disease, malaria, meningitis, fungal infections, sickle cell disease, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, parasitic infections (e.g. worms), cancer, diabetes, blood pressure problems, blood disorders, hormonal disorders etc. The ultrasound would be used to diagnose the cause of swelling and infections in the internal organs and identify abnormal development in pregnancies. 
The clinic will also dispense medicines to treat the patients. Hope Clinic will be staffed by a fully qualified medical laboratory technician and nurse. 

Why is Hope Clinic needed?

The parents of many of the children and young people we support died because of the lack of local medical diagnostic facilities. The town of Kibakwe and the surrounding villages is a community of over 60,000 people who currently have very limited access to medical diagnostic services and many people die because they cannot afford to travel to the city for diagnosis and treatment. Pastor Chugulu who leads the Kibakwe Pentecostal church says “the Clinic will transform the lives of the people in the area”. 
The project is important because it will save many lives and remove much suffering. It will help the local community to be more healthy. Children and young people will not miss so much school through illness. It will also help reduce the number of future orphans in the region.  

Vision for Hope Clinic

Kitulizo is an orphan and entered the Village of Hope and Grace programme in 2009 when he was 15 years old.  After finishing secondary school we sent Kitulizo to university for six years to become a fully qualified medical laboratory technician.  He graduated with flying colours and has been working as a medical technician in a city hospital for the past few years.

In June 2020 we reported that Kitulizo had a dream to establish a medical diagnosis laboratory in Kibakwe.  He wanted to help his community and save many lives.  Now his dream is becoming a reality.

Kitulizo is overseeing the specification and equipping of Hope Clinic and will also be our first laboratory technician.

Building of Hope Clinic

Village of Hope and Grace is pleased to say that the Hope Clinic project is now underway.
We have purchased the land and installed the foundations and the floor slab. The majority of the build will take place in 2024.

Thank you for your help

Village of Hope and Grace and HGAT (and the children) would like to say a big thank you to everyone who is supporting us to make Hope Clinic possible. This is a big project for us in terms of time and resources.  Thank you so much to everyone who prayed and gave financially for the project. God will answer your prayers and bless your gifts. 

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